What My Colleagues have to Say


Kevin is a dedicated and talented Digital Marketer who is always willing to help his team. I have seen Kevin's role grow from managing Granville's digital leads to leading Granville's CRM implementation. Kevin has been a great addition to the Granville Marketing team. He is a great person to work with and will be an asset to any team.
Kevin is a passionate marketer who knows his way around any problem. He's a great collaborator, team player and is always ready to help. Kevin is an active listener and someone who is always ready to learn. He's a great asset to any team!
Kevin is a skilled digital marketing expert specializing in email marketing, content creation, blogging, and CRM maintenance. He has become a vital member of our team at Granville Homes, and has proven to be very self-motivated bringing in new ideas and suggesting modifications to our current systems to improve delivery of our content.
Laser-focused on his craft, passionate about learning and dedicated to the success of his teammates is the most accurate way of describing Kevin. He is an individual who is always committed to developing the highest quality product and works relentlessly to resolve any issues that arise. In our brief time together, he was never one to shy away from a new task or challenge as he is always seeking to grow and be the best version of himself. As a teammate, Kevin elevated everyone around him by way of his work ethic, problem-solving ability and mature nature. I find him to be a remarkable individual, poised beyond his years, and it is because of this, that I believe he will be a great addition to any team.
Kevin is an extremely talented person who is well-rounded in the tech industry, from development to marketing even teaching at Geekwise Academy. At a moment's notice, he has jumped into any position to help the Bitwise Industries team. Kevin is always happy to help out the company with any and all events at Bitwise Industries. He is definitely a pleasure to work with and someone you want on your team. Kevin is the type of person that without any hesitation will help anyone from car issues to projects. He is a professional team player with a lot of life experience. He is a great person to have on any team and someone you can always count on.
Kevin is such an awesome individual! I am thankful to have met someone like him. He is so willing to answer questions that I have pertaining to his knowledge in marketing and advertising. You can tell he is passionate about the subject too. He makes sure I understand the materials by showing me how to correctly do it. One example was him showing me how to set up Google and Facebook ads and how to target correctly. Though I only work in the same space as Kevin, I can see how well he demonstrates great leadership skills towards his peers by taking time showing and explaining things to them. Kevin is also a compassionate person. He thinks about other people and animal's need before his. I remember him saying, if he could feed all the stray dogs in the world, he would. It has been a great pleasure knowing Kevin and working along the same space as him.
Kevin is a dedicated co-worker who provides intelligent ideas for our internship. We have successfully worked together on many projects. His PHP and JavaScript knowledge have contributed to that success. He possesses excellent communication skills and is very dedicated to completing tasks. His professionalism and ability to help others makes him a great asset to the WP Urgent Care team.
Kevin has a dedication to continued education. He develops his skill set based on the needs of the company and his team. He is interested in being up-to-date in the latest trends related to technology, marketing, and branding. With him, we have does extensive research on keywords and have created a branding plan based on his findings. I would love to work with him more in the future and see what new skills he's learned.
Kevin is an asset to any organization. Kevin and I currently work together at an Internship for Bitwise on the same team. Kevin is well versed in front-end web development and back-and development and is continuously hungry to learn more. Working with Kevin has been a positive experience and has great communication skills in regard to keeping team members informed. Kevin is well rounded in his skillset and would be a strong member of any team. Kevin is open to learning any technology and has adapted well to the many languages we are learning within the internship.
Kevin is an incredible individual to know and to work with on any project. He is an incredibly skilled software developer whether it's Front-end or back-end development, not only has he helped me improve my JavaScript skills but he also makes our team more enjoyable with his presence. Seeing how well he interacts with others, it's no surprise that he is an excellent instructor as well. Our team is lucky to have him.
Kevin is a highly skilled developer. He has stepped up and volunteered to teach web courses. His most recent endeavor being Javascript. I have learned a great deal from him. His teaching methods have helped refine productivity. He has quickly become an asset to The WordPress Security Team at Bitwise Industries.
Kevin is an integral part of our cohort at Bitwise; patient and inquisitive, he is always asking questions and eager to learn more. I have seen his research for his co-teaching JavaScript class and he takes care to ensure he prepares before teaching. We work together and he has helped me out with PHP challenges many times.
Kevin is a talented web developer in front end and back-end design. Kevin has a wide range of web development and people skills. I have been able to learn from Kevin. I can personally say he has helped me improve my javascript skills. Kevin is an asset to have and is always hungry to learn and help fellow teammates.
I had the pleasure to work with Kevin Hinojosa at Bitwise Industries. He is passionate about his work and a team player through and through. Kevin is polite, professional, and an all around wonderful coworker. Kevin puts the success of his teammates first and would be a wonderful asset to any company.
Kevin was so helpful while working with ABC for Students. Whenever anyone had a question Kevin was always the first one to lend a helping hand. He has been great to work with, and we couldn't ask for a better teammate.

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