
Experience & Projects

Digital Email Marketing Portfolio

Work Experience


  • Analyzed and assigned Digital Marketing projects according to scope of work.
  • Oversaw development of Landing Pages, Emails, Campaigns, and Forms.
  • Generated Email Performance & Sends Reports on a weekly basis.
  • Worked directly with Advertisement, Marketing, Development, & Targeting Teams.
  • Managed global and localized campaigns for North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe Middle East Africa. 



  • Developed marketing campaigns and implemented Customer Relationship Management technology.
  • Develop HTML emails and check for email client compatibility.
  • Created email copy and design for over 20,000 prospects, homeowners, and tenants.
  • Created articles and newsletters for Granville Homes, Granville Realty, and Granville Home of Hope. 
  • Analyze prospect data such as open rates, click through rates, and conversions.


  • Katie Burchfield – Marketing Director Katie@gvhomes.com
  • Aman Kaur – Marketing Coordinator  Aman@gvhomes.com
  • Jesse Buglione – Creative Director  Jesse@gvhomes.com


  • Manage advertisements on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google.
  • Create ad copy, ad design, visual data reports on a weekly basis. 
  • Manage ad campaigns for OrdrslipBitwise Industries, Pulse, OnwardCA.
  • Analyze web traffic data, pixel tracking, ad set targeting. 
  • Create landing pages, maximized ad results with marketing budget.


Web Development and Security

  • Developed biweekly lesson plan as a Geekwise JavaScript co-teacher.
  • Secured WordPress sites, detected latest vulnerabilities per updates.
  • Developed branding guidelines.
  • Published weekly web security articles and applied Search Engine Optimization to increase web traffic.
  • Managed Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Business.
  • Communicated in daily scrum meetings for efficient teamwork.



  • Joint Venture by me and a business partner to accept 3rd Party Clients.
  • Our main goal was to help local business survive COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Provided marketing services to businesses.


Created Call Center Solution

  • Emergency action taken as part of a COVID-19 response team by Alabama state Governor, Kay Ivey.
  • A joint venture of Bitwise Industries.
  • Contacted residents in need to provide FREE Internet service in homes of low-income public school students can attend online virtual classes.
  • Read about out efforts for ABC here.




  • Managed business finances, advertisements, sales, shipments, and inventory.
  • Accomplished 500+ smartphones sales online and in person on a monthly basis.
  • Lead small team of 6 people to reach weekly financial goals.
  • Successfully troubleshooted hardware, software, network problems daily.


  • William Hinojosa – hinojosawilliam@ymail.com 559-790-7677 


Geekwise Academy Web Development Bootcamp

Web Development Academy

Geekwise Academy

Volunteer Experience

Beautify Fresno 2022

  • Beautify Fresno is a City of Fresno initiative to clean up litter and remove graffiti across Fresno. I believe it’s up to us to be a positive member of the community. Collectively the the program has cleaned up multiple tons of litter, and miles of graffiti removal. I am happy to be a part of it.
  • Reference Mark Standriff, Director of Beautify Fresno

Adopt-A-Family Christmas Deliveries 2021
AMOR – Alliance for Medical Outreach & Relief

  • Along with community partners, we collected and distributed Christmas deliveries to underserved families in Mendota, California . Together we were able to support 15 deserving families with warm clothes, home goods, and other essential items.
  • View video here.

Beautify Fresno 2021

  • Beautify Fresno is a City of Fresno initiative to clean up litter and remove graffiti across Fresno. I believe it’s up to us to be a positive member of the community. Collectively the the program has cleaned up multiple tons of litter, and miles of graffiti removal. I am happy to be a part of it.
  • Reference Mark Standriff, Director of Beautify Fresno

Tour Guide
Bitwise Industries

  • Encourage k-12 students to enter the technology field by sharing our personal struggles and journey at Bitwise Industries. 
  • Reference Terry Solis

Event Staff
59 Days Of Code

  • 59 Days of code holds a yearly competition held in Fresno where teams of software developers compete to be the latest and greatest app.
  • I volunteered at this tech event. I was assigned to work as event staff. Me and many other volunteers had to work as a team to make sure the event went smoothly from start to finish.
  • Reference Bethany Dhillon

Meal Server
Fresno M.E.A.L.

  • Fresno MEAL (meals engaging all lives) was a Fresno grassroots effort led by Mr. Justin Kamimoto. I was fortunate enough to volunteer on occasion with meal prep and distribution of meals in to the homeless communities. Nice to see all the kind hearted individuals that give up some of their time in order to help others. 
  • Reference Justin Kamimoto

Event Staff
Google Developer Group (Fresno 2019)

  • Volunteered for GDG Google Developer Festival held at Bitwise Industries South Stadium, Fresno. Helped in assisting with classes and coordinating events. It was a great turn out. Happy to see many aspiring developers from the central valley.
  • Reference Here

Meal Preparation and Distribution
Food Not Bombs

  • Volunteered with a group of 10 people to make meals that was later distributed at the Fresno court house park. I was blessed to work with and help this amazing group of selfless individuals.
  • Reference Here